<h1 class="text-4xl sm:text-5xl">Hello 2024</h1><desc class="text-xs sm:text-base text-right"><div class="italic">January 06 2024</div></desc>

Hi! 👋 Welcome to my new blog! 😊

I'm a huge fan of goal-setting; goals give me purpose, and achieving them brings immense satisfaction and fulfillment. Every year, I try to have at least one major goal or theme. For me, they can't be arbitrary or some broad-stroke statement like "Drink more water" (although I still say I'll do that one every few months—it never lasts more than like 1 week). They need to be realistic, specific, and I need to have a game plan that includes steps to achieve said goal, such as "I'm going to set a glass of water on my nightstand every night and start each day by drinking that glass of water"... I should try that one. Over the last 5 years, I've gotten better at goal-setting and managed to crush all my annual goals, so keeping the streak going is a goal of its own at this point.

This year, I'm prioritizing learning new things, aiming to diversify my skills and experiences. My goal is to learn at least 12 new skills—some life skills, some random talents that I've always wanted to possess; anything goes! It sounds like a lot, I know, but I'm not aiming for perfection or mastery; there aren't enough hours in the day. They also won't all be big skills that require practice like learning how to play an instrument or speaking a new language. One of them is just to learn how to change the oil on my car myself. The purpose is simply to expand my horizons and try new things... and also just to get out of the house a bit more since I work from home and rarely leave my cozy little cave.

As a way to hold myself accountable, I've decided to bring my Instagram back to life to document my journey and write about the progress here. I've never successfully kept a blog going (or even a journal), and in case you haven't noticed, I rarely post on social media. But with your help, I think I can do it.

So, follow along, and be sure to give me a little nudge and some words of encouragement if I go silent for too long!

Wish me luck!


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